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Stepping back in time...
Burkenpas Family History & Genealogy
We are, all of us, the children of immigrants, even the American Indian who
arrived in this country much earlier than we did. What we as humans are, and
what we become, is in part due to our heritage. The men and women who came
to America did not emerge suddenly. Before them were ancestors, families and
former lives. Each American pioneer had ancestral characteristics of a
distinctive type, physically and mentally.
Our ancestors, the pioneers of America, needed a change and that began in the
old countries with the decision to migrate. In most cases these decisions were
personal, ordered by no one. Even when immigration was ordered or even
forced in some cases, the people who survived were characteristically of
physical strength and with the capacity to endure pain and suffering and were
commonly of a rebellious nature.
History is not made by Kings and Parliaments, Presidents, wars, or even by
Generals, it is the story of the people, of their love, their honor, their hope and
their suffering. It is the story of birth, of death, of hunger, thirst and cold, of
loneliness and of sorrow, it is our history, our heritage.
Richard Wesley Burkenpas